Hire: 01923 773 611
Planning: 01296 614005
Production: 01923 528 800

Bar Mitzvahs & Bat Mitzvahs

Create a memorable and meaningful celebration with our expert bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah event hire and production services.

Bar Mitzvahs & Bat Mitzvahs

Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah are Jewish coming of age ceremonies that celebrate the transition from childhood to adulthood.

As an event hire and production company, WA Carr & Son, Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs are significant events for us as they require effective event planning, coordination of various elements such as venue, catering, decor, lighting, audiovisual, and entertainment.

We work closely with families and event planners to ensure that every aspect is carefully planned and executed, creating a memorable and unique experience for the young person and their families. The production must capture the essence of the mitzvah and Jewish traditions while also ensuring that guests are entertained and engaged throughout the celebration.

Ready to Start Planning?

We personalize every detail to suit your preferences. Let us help bring your vision to life and make your Mitzvah celebration a cherished memory.